We Can End Preventable Child Deaths
15,000 children under the age of five die every day.
Fortunately, simple solutions like Kangaroo care, a skin-to-skin
method that encourages breastfeeding and keeps babies warm,
can save lives.
The Reach Every Mother and Child Act
Child mortality remains one of the great wrongs of our modern world.
Every day, 15,000 children under age 5 die from preventable causes,
such as pneumonia, malnutrition and malaria.
The good news is that with U.S. leadership, the world has reduced these
deaths by half since 1990. We know what works to save the lives of
moms and babies.
Legislation in Congress called the Reach Every Mother and Child Act
would increase access to the low-cost, high-impact approaches that
work to prevent maternal and child deaths in the countries that need
them most. It would enable the U.S. to save the lives of 15 million
children and 600,000 women.