Tag Archives: #ECE

We can give kids a more promising future

Though some children will face hurdles in their lives, it’s essential as a parent to recognize when your children need a little extra support, and understand how you can provide them with resources that will help them thrive.


Have a Heart Photo Journey

Throughout the month of February, our volunteers across the country delivered handmade valentines and collected online signatures to members of Congress around one message: to have a heart and invest in kids.


Investing in Vermont’s Kids

Vermont is lucky to have political leaders from all parties pushing to prioritize critical investments in child care and early learning as well as helping its working parents thrive. Now is the time to speak up and show our support for their work, so we can achieve meaningful change in 2019! 


I Will Speak for Children

With retirement approaching, I knew I needed a way to express my convictions. That’s when I was introduced to the training opportunities and to various advocacy platforms available through SCAN.
